Thursday 25 January 2007

Legal and Ethical Issues

Blogging raises several ethical and legal issues including:

1) Should bloggers adopt a journalistic code of ethics? Rebecca Blood argues in favour of journalistic ethics for bloggers. Apple sues a blogger to reveal his sources. Kimberlee Weatherall and Eugene Volokh provide 14 Copyright Tips For Bloggers.

2) Who owns the copyright on a blog? Blog plagiarism is becoming an increasing problem.

3) What forms of legal sanction might bloggers face? These include being sued for libel or even for comments from readers revealing confidential information. Bloggers have been arrested in several countries including France, Egypt, Iran and China. Sometimes blogs which are critical of government policies become invisible or inaccessable , including recently in Ethiopia. In the USA its more usual for bloggers to risk losing their jobs if they blog about their work. Chris Pirillo provides advice about "How Not to get Fired for Blogging".

4) Is it possible to blog anonymously? It may be according to the "Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents" from Reporters without Borders.

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